Caribou Church Summer Outreach Intern
Soda Springs, Idaho
#ID-02 | 1-2 Students | May 25 – August 10
Come serve with Caribou Bible Church! We are located in Caribou County in southeast Idaho. As of the 2020 census, our county was identified as less than 1% evangelical Christian, so our ministry is in a truly pre-Christian context and in a community that has a strong LDS influence. Despite these challenges, God is on the move here. Our church has seen God multiply the number of believers, and with that, our need for help has increased. As a church with no full-time staff, you will have an opportunity to see bi-vocational church planting in action. You will have opportunities to organize and lead youth activities, help coordinate outreach camps with visiting missions groups, and attend youth camp as a counselor. Students interested in exploring bi-vocational (tent making) church ministry would be great but is not required.
Interns must be humble, understand that our culture is entirely different from what you are familiar with, and be ready to be flexible in ministry. We need students with good social skills and a strong biblical worldview. Relational evangelism experience will be very helpful. You will be working with students with little or no biblical knowledge, so teaching skills and patience are a must. Come, serve with us, and enjoy the beautiful Rockies in rural Caribou County!