Summer Missionary in the Black Hills
Belle Fourche, South Dakota
#SD-01 | 2 Students | June 1 – July 27
Come serve with Connection Church Belle Fourche! Summer missionaries are needed to work alongside us as we minister to students through activities that include things like bonfires, hikes, and weekly Bible studies. You will have opportunities to lead lessons and devotionals for our kids and youth and help with local outreaches in town. We need you to help out as chaperones for kids’ camp and youth camp where you will get to know our students and help them in their camp experience. Finally, as we support local church plants in the area, you will have the opportunity to be a part of their summer outreaches as well. You will work closely with our outreach, youth, and children’s leaders. You will receive training in these areas as well as have weekly meetings to discuss what God is doing and what you are learning.