CityGates Church Outreach Intern
Norwich, United Kingdom
#Norwich | 2 Students (same gender) | June 16 - July 31
$1,728 + Airfare, Insurance & Visa
We would love for you to come and help us organize, plan, and run Summerfest, our annual church community mission, which happens during the last week of July. Summerfest is held in a local park to reach the area around our church and to serve our families. We are in a reasonably deprived area, and we want to serve the needs of those in our community as we make them aware of CityGates Church. We would also love for you to be involved in planning and running our kids’ groups for our church family weekend in June. Your help would be of great value to us!
*Note: This is a direct partnership with the MS Baptist Convention Board, and not an IMB assignment.