Albany Western Australia Summer Interns

Albany, Australia

#46628 | 1 Male & 1 Female | May 19 – July 23

$2,120* + Airfare, Insurance, & Visa

We would love for you to serve alongside us at Albany Baptist Church in our efforts to teach the people of Albany and build up those who trust in Jesus. You will use your gifts and talents to help us evangelize, equip, and establish ongoing and new ministries. Particular opportunities will be in the following 3 ministries: Young Adults – Building relationships and encouraging Christians; Youth – Being a part of our youth program and investing into relationships; Children – Our regular kids’ programs and our annual school holiday program which is used to reach the community. Also, we run a Christian School which gives many ministry opportunities.

*You will fly into Sydney for field orientation, and from there to Perth. At the end of your time in Albany, you will fly from Perth to Brisbane for field debriefing before returning to the U.S.