Fun English Teaching
Songkhla, Thailand
#NT 46745 | 2 Males & 2 Females | June 5 – August 2
$1,450* + Airfare, Insurance, & Visa
On a small team, you will help fulfill the church-planting vision of our local team by making connections with students on campus at a local university. You will lead fun English learning activities like cooking classes, stand-up paddle board lessons, crafts, game nights, and more at our local community center or on the university campus. You will have the opportunity to teach basic, easy-to-teach, foundational English classes in various locations. These English classes are a fun and engaging way for you to meet an important need in Southern Thailand while building relationships and sharing the gospel. You will have the opportunity to learn Thai language and culture, help local church fellowships with outreach, and be able to share the Good News through personal relationships.
*Nehemiah Teams orientation and debriefing will be held in Mentone, Alabama, immediately prior to departure for the field and upon return to the U.S. You will be responsible for your transportation to/from Mentone, in addition to your round trip to the field. All flights to the field will depart from and return to Birmingham, Alabama.